Information Management


InTTrust designs and implements data clearing projects, data-marts and complex data-warehouses, gathering data from different databases and undertakes the search and provide information concerning your customer (data-mining) of the data composition the use of ETL technology (Incremental Extract, Transform, Load).

For these projects, InTTrust leverages its expertise in tools like Oracle Business Intelligence Suite, Oracle Warehouse Builder, SQL Server Integration Services and Analysis Services and reporting tools such as Business Objects, Oracle Discoverer, Cognos, SQL Server Reporting Services etc.

In today’s customer driver market, it is very important to hear and translate customer needs into a competitive advantage, improve cross-platform visibility and maximize the ability to combine data from different sources so to perform cross-functional analytics.

According to recent researches, 40% of enterprises will invest in Business Analytics by 2020. In InTTrust, we prepare our customers to access all types of data from all sources, so they can spend the least of their time and effort on insight discovery. Data Analytics, such as Business Intelligence offer a comprehensive opportunity for collaboration and data analysis based on unified, cloud-platform based solutions and services.

Let’s get started together!